Wednesday 20 April 2011

I'm sorry guys

Guys I'm sorry that you all had to watch the collective hardwork of the group crumble as I clicked "Extended to other monitors" today. In self reflection I see what my mistake was! It was the fact that I hadn't closed the UDk before clicking that and it has done that to me once in the past. I promise you that the level will be rebuilt by myself & Pete & it will not be a rushed rebuild this time. I feel like I've let everyone down but on a positive side it was great to see "everyone" pull together.

Also starting a sketching challange tommorow called the "30 Day Superhero challange" which is basically 30 days & 30 sketches of Heroes or Superheroes. They can be from comics, Movies or video games. There's only two rules really 1) Do one everyday 2)Miss a day draw two the next day & so fourth. No idea if it'll be a success but it should break up the monotamy of writing if anyone is interested in joining in?

Monday 18 April 2011

hayy iv done the door frames
iv just replaced the file already in the door folder with the new ones
all textures have been replaced as well with the new ones.
the frames are rather basic but they'll do i think.
all 4 doors have there own frame.

Saturday 16 April 2011

doors done. they are saved individually and there already centered. uploading them into one folder in the 3ds file and the textures are in the same file. all the doors are on one texture sheet. defuse, normal and spec.

Give us a shout if there is anything else that needs doing

Thursday 14 April 2011


heres a window. to decorate it im going to make a few a 2sided poly posters that can be placed in the windows and around the level.

Look No Hands

removed the hands. what do you think now? does she stay or go.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Textures for this are up on dropbox now.


i must apologise for my lack of a) input and b) enthusiasm over the past couple of weeks. ive been off due to health reasons and im only just back on track. ive started modelling now albeit not great assets but its something to go in the level. heres my front door to the hardware store if it offends anyone i can easily change it. ive also modelled some basic shelving and a counter and till for the hardware store following a layout i felt appropriate for the space.